The Coolest Cars In One Awesome Gallery

The Coolest Cars In One Awesome Gallery

Cars have come a long way in the last 100 years. In fact, it’s hard to even imagine life without them. The first ever car was built by Karl Benz in 1885, and its engine ran on gasoline. Today, there are over 1 billion passenger vehicles on Earth, and they’re powered by electric motors instead of gasoline engines. In this article we’ll explore how far cars have come over their century-long history—and why they still matter today!

The first car ever made was called the “Benz Patent Motor Car.”

In 1885, a German engineer named Karl Benz built the first internal combustion engine car. It was called the “Benz Patent Motor Car.”

The vehicle had a one cylinder engine and three wheels (a wheel on each side of the body and another in front). It reached speeds up to 6 mph (10 km/h).

In the early days of cars, many people didn’t know how to drive.

In the early days of cars, many people didn’t know how to drive. This was because driving was a skill that had to be learned and not everyone could afford to take classes or hire an instructor as they do today.

Some people learned from their parents who had already gained experience driving before them. Others were taught by friends who showed them how it worked by showing them what they did wrong when they tried driving themselves. Some people even just watched other people drive until they felt ready enough to get behind the wheel themselves!

The first car to top 100 mph was the 1907 Mercedes 34/100 PS.

The first car to top 100 mph was the 1907 Mercedes 34/100 PS. The German racing car was built by Daimler and Benz, powered by a 4.4 liter engine and designed by Wilhelm Maybach. …

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