Used Car Business Crossword Puzzle

Used Car Business Crossword Puzzle

I have a confession to make. I’m not much of a car guy. There, I said it! When it comes to cars, I’m pretty boring. But if you’re like me and don’t know much about cars but are interested in buying one, this crossword puzzle will help you learn a few terms that are important when purchasing or selling a used vehicle:

1. The parts of a car that allow it to move while being powered by an engine.

  • Engine: The part of a car that converts fuel into energy, which is then used to power the vehicle.
  • Transmission: A device that changes gears and then transmits power from one gear to another while driving.
  • Drivetrain: The system of gears and shafts that connect an engine to its wheels and allow it to move forward or backward.
  • Wheels: The part of a vehicle that touches ground when you’re driving, providing traction so your vehicle doesn’t slip off course or get stuck in mud (or whatever). They also look cool!

2. A name given to one of the many types of fuel used to power vehicles.

There are three main types of fuel used to power vehicles: gasoline, diesel and electricity. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Gasoline is the most common form of automotive fuel in North America. It’s also one of the oldest fuels used for cars, dating back over 100 years ago when Karl Benz built his first gasoline-powered car in 1886 using a two-stroke engine that ran on ethanol produced from sugarcane juice instead of petroleum products (which was not available at that time). Since then, improvements have been made on this technology with each decade bringing us better performance as well as more reliable vehicles with fewer emissions output per mile driven than ever before! …

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