Ten Most Innovative Ideas Pushed By The Auto Industry This Year

Ten Most Innovative Ideas Pushed By The Auto Industry This Year

The auto industry is one of the most innovative in the world, and it has been for years. But this year, in particular, it seems like something has changed. Whether it’s a new electric car or an app that lets you monitor your Leaf from anywhere, there have been some truly innovative ideas coming out of this industry lately! Here are my top ten picks:

Car2Go, a subsidiary of Daimler AG, is an innovative idea that allows people to rent cars by the minute and drop them off anywhere they want.

Car2Go, a subsidiary of Daimler AG, is an innovative idea that allows people to rent cars by the minute and drop them off anywhere they want. It is an example of how the auto industry is changing and adapting to meet consumer demands.

Tesla Motors is one of the youngest automobile companies, but it has already developed a large following with its “green” electric car.

Tesla Motors is one of the youngest automobile companies, but it has already developed a large following with its “green” electric car.

In 2003, Tesla Motors was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in Silicon Valley, California. Their first car, the Roadster (2008), was an all-electric sports car that could travel 244 miles per charge and cost $100,000 to buy.

Nissan’s new LEAF is a zero-emission electric vehicle that can drive up to 100 miles on a single charge.

Nissan’s new LEAF is a zero-emission electric vehicle that can drive up to 100 miles on a single charge. The LEAF’s battery can be charged from a standard outlet or at a charging station.

GM’s Chevy Volt is another game-changer in the automobile industry because it is able to drive 40 miles on a single charge and then use an outlet for charging when needed.

The Chevy Volt is another game-changer in the automobile industry because it is able to drive 40 miles on a single charge and then use an outlet for charging when needed.

The Volt is a hybrid electric vehicle, meaning it has both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor that powers its wheels. On average, Americans drive about 30 miles per day according to the U.S Department of Transportation (DOT), so this would be enough distance for most people’s daily commute. The lithium-ion battery pack stores enough energy to power the car for this distance without needing gas–and if you need more than that? Just plug it into an outlet at home overnight or during lunch break at work!

Toyota has been developing fuel cell technology for years; now it will be available commercially in 2015 as part of the Mirai prototype.

Toyota is one of the pioneers in fuel cell technology. Fuel cells use hydrogen to generate electricity, which then powers the electric motor. The only byproduct is water, so these cars are completely zero emission and much cleaner than traditional internal combustion engines. Toyota has been developing this technology for years; now it will be available commercially next year as part of its Mirai prototype (which means “future” in Japanese).

Audi has developed an innovative concept car called Aicon that features four seats, no pedals and no doors! It also has an autonomous driving system.

The Audi Aicon concept car is an innovative vehicle that features four seats, no pedals and no doors. It also has an autonomous driving system.

The Aicon is a vision of what future vehicles will look like when it comes to technology, design and comfort. The car’s interior is spacious enough to accommodate four people comfortably while still having room for luggage at the same time!

In 2015, Nissan released an app that lets Leaf owners monitor their cars’ status remotely from wherever they are – even when they’re not in the car!

Nissan has been a leader in innovative car technology for years. In 2015, they released an app that lets Leaf owners monitor their cars’ status remotely from wherever they are – even when they’re not in the car!

This technology makes it possible to know if your vehicle is running low on gas, needs maintenance or is ready for a charge. You can also see how much money you’ve saved by driving on electric power versus gasoline and diesel fuels.

It’s likely that this system will be available on other EVs soon as well; Nissan has said they’ll make their data available through APIs so other companies can use it in their own applications or products (like smart home devices).

BMW made headlines by producing its new i3 series without side mirrors at all! Instead, cameras mounted on the front and rear of each car take over this task while using computer software to display them on screens on either side of the dashboard.

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest automotive news, you might have heard about BMW’s decision to eliminate side mirrors on its new i3 series. Instead of using traditional glass mirrors, cameras mounted on the front and rear of each car take over this task while using computer software to display them on screens on either side of the dashboard.

This innovation was made possible through advances in camera technology and computer processing power–but it also illustrates how far automakers are willing to go in order to innovate within an industry that has been largely stagnant for decades.

As we can see from these examples, the auto industry is changing rapidly. Traditional cars are being replaced by electric vehicles and self-driving cars that could change how we get around in the future. It will be interesting to see what new ideas come out next year!